Hello my name is Julie and I am the founder facilitator of Green Heart Dharma 💚

I created this space as a way to focus my intentions as a teacher in a wider spiritual community.

My Vision for Green Heart Dharma is to abide in a time-space continuum grounded within the frequency of love.

Each person walks a unique Dharma Path, carries their own Soul intelligence, & energetic intuition. I love to nurture the process of letting your dharma unfold.

I believe heart-based practices are so magical that even one breath of gratitude, turns what is hard into easy, what is edgy into soft, and what is difficult into peaceful.

It is my dharma to serve humans in their process of transformation & subtle body awakening.

Thank you for being here on the journey with me 💚

Yoga Experience

My yoga practice began in 2011. I completed two consecutive 200-hr certifications by Rubber Soul Yoga in 2016 & 2017. Ever since then, yoga has been a non-negotiable daily practice.

My yoga flow is a mix between ashtanga, kundalini, and yin practices. Each class focuses on alignment, energy healing, and breath work within the pose.

My meditation & yoga practice are core influences on my journey to creative empowerment & self-awareness. I love weaving mindfulness techniques into practice.

Spiritual Connection

My spiritual connection is founded on Love, and not one specific religion or ideology. I was raised in the Christian faith and continue to cherish prayer. Yoga opened my perspective to buddhism, Vedic traditions, and divine feminine mythology.

I believe Truth is Universal and all Faiths carry wisdom derived from ancient knowledge. My most recent meditation teachers include: Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, Eckhart Tolle, and Krishna Das.

Beyond religion and philosophy, nature connection has been my most valued teacher. The wisdom in the wind and a blade of grass reveals all the interbeing and connectivity you could ever ask for.

My Backstory

Athens, GA was my home base for 8 years and was a formidable ground for my personal expression as an artist, yogi, and poet. I worked hard to attain my degree while I partied hard with the local music scene. I lived a stereotypical, middle-class American, college student lifestyle. However, my soul always yearned beyond the norm.

I gave heed to my wanderlust and traveled deep within the wilderness. Emerging from the forest, I opted for a radical, alternative vagabond lifestyle fueled by music, dancing, & earth stewardship.

Years of nomad life eventually ends in “rooting down.” In Athens, I finally felt the sensation of roots sprawling, threads tethered to a symbiotic network of perpetual creation. I became a teacher, visionary, and nurturer. I offered yoga classes, curated music festivals, and created plant-based meals through, Eden’s Vegan Cafe.

I was spinning a lot plates and I needed to take a break to reprioritize my health. Luckily 2020 seemed to press pause and not without consequence. My life was radically altered.

Pace, the pups, and I followed the call of wanderlust yet again. We sold all our belongings. We left home for a new life in CO and powder skiing in mind.

My journey to CO has been exhausting, dry, dusty, and characterized by the feeling of uprootedness. It has also been a grand adventure filled with sherbet sunsets, steep pitches, endless milky way, & colorful wildflowers.

I am finally feeling my energy full and generous again. I am so grateful to be plugged into the cosmos from this sweet rural town of sage & rabbit brush.

I needed this time to transform, to return to my Dharma, to create from a space of abundance, to be reminded of old lessons learned, and to be absolutely saturated in the beauty of nature.

I hope to utilize my visionary art to start a chain reaction of creative expression for the sake of creative expression. Music, wilderness, & deep listening are the best medicines, second to home-grown fresh cooked foods.

I am currently building upon my visions through teaching yoga, writing down recipes, creating transformation tools, refining my paintings, and most recently attending massage school.

I know this seems like a lot and it’s honestly not even the tip of the iceberg to describe how fascinating and eye-opening life continues to be! I am spinning plates, but no longer from a place of burn-out. I look forward to sharing more of my story over time and continue to weave a legacy of love everywhere I go.

I am firm believer that mindfulness, yoga, and energy healing are attainable for anyone at any age, level of practice, and circumstances. I am enamored by the sovereignty that inner peace creates.

Welcome to my heart sangha and may you be free here! Please introduce yourself or check in with any questions or comments. I look forward to helping you with all your coaching, yoga, and spiritual needs! It is a joy to be in service to you. All good things in divine time!